Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well, it was rainy, rainy, rainy during Easter weekend. The kids didn't get to hunt eggs, but they had fun anyway. I forgot to take a picture of Marshall and Emerson together, but there are a few cute pictures from the day.


We took Marshall bowling for the first time on Saturday. Our trip was cut short because the tornado sirens started blaring, and we found out the OC was in a tornado warning area. We left and hung out at Uncle Kenny and Aunt Pam's house until the warning was over. Oh, well! We'll have to try again soon!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Burrito

Yesterday, while I was talking with Matt on the phone, Emerson was playing on the floor. I turned around when I heard a whimper and saw that she had completely wrapped herself in the big purple blanket! Once I turned around and started laughing, EK laughed too...she thought it was the funniest thing!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Month Pictures

Last post with "6 month" in the title...promise! I took EK to Portrait Innovations today for her 6 month pictures. We ended up with several good ones, but I only chose these 4 to buy. I was trying to be very picky so we didn't end up with a zillion left over pictures.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

6 month check-up

I took Emerson to her 6 month check-up today. Here are the stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (93%...she finally hit the 90's!)
Length: 26.25 inches (69%....she's going to be short like Mommy)
Her head circumference also went back up to almost 80%, so I'm thinking I shouldn't have bragged on her small head after her 4 month check-up!!

Eating some avocado and oatmeal

Watching a leap frog DVD before bedtime

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Emerson Kate is 6 months old!

Oh, my! Where has time gone? Sweet EK is 6 months old today, and I just can't believe it.