Saturday, July 17, 2010

Monkey Joe's! I found out last week that Monkey Joe's had a play area especially for kids 3 and under, so we decided to give it a try this morning. Marshall LOVED it! He ran around, jumped, laughed, and had a wonderful time. Not too many pictures as most of them turned out blurry.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We had a 3D ultrasound today, so I uploaded 2 videos of sweet Emerson Kate to you tube. Link on the right...
A few pictures from the ultrasound:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Matt had to work all weekend, so Marshall and I spent some time in the OC.

Riding the lawn mower with Grandad

Watching "mou," aka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He was in that position almost the entire episode. He loves the little chair Grams and Grandad have for him (thanks to Uncle Kenny for building it).

Grandad found this cute wagon at Sam's Club and had to buy it for Marshall. Marshall loved being pulled around all over the yard in it!
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Thursday, July 08, 2010

After 7 months, the master bedroom and bathroom remodel is complete! WAHOO! We weren't on top of things with this remodel and forgot to take pictures along the way, but we have a few from what it looked like with the previous owners, so that will have to do.

Master bedroom BEFORE (and even before we moved in!)...

Master bedroom AFTER

Master bathroom BEFORE (too bad there isn't a picture of how the shower used to be...that was a big change)

Master bathroom AFTER (no more carpet!) before pictures

Sunday, July 04, 2010

We also worked on moving Marshall into his big boy room this weekend. He's been saying, "big truck" for weeks now, and he LOVES all the construction equipment parked outside our house working on the bridge, so we went with a transportation theme in his room. He slept in his new room last night, so I think the transition is complete!

A few pictures from our weekend...

Eating a trifle with egg free chocolate cake, strawberries and cool whip. Yummy!

Playing in the shark pool (Later, he helped water all the plants with Daddy and Grandad, but the camera battery died before I could take pictures. It was too cute!).

Watching You Tube videos with Daddy, then playing at the park before bedtime.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Karen, Cooper, and Jake came over for a visit today. We spent some time at the park. Marshall had to do everything Cooper was doing, so he spent most of the time on the big boy slide. Baby Jake just hung out in the stroller watching Marshall and Cooper play and play.